
                 Summary: AT90USB162, AT90USB82 device support patch for
                 Project: AVR Downloader/UploaDEr
            Submitted by: None
            Submitted on: Sa 03 Jan 2009 17:06:40 UTC
                Category: None
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: None
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: Wolfgang Moser
        Originator Email: forwards.from.sourcefo...@d81.de
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



Hello avrdude'rs,

at first I would like to apologize for using the "bug" tracker instead of the
"patches" one since the latter one doesn't allow me to create messages without
registering first.

The following patch heavily relates to support request:

    bug #21745: AT90USBxx2 support

In the need of getting able to (re-) program the bootloader of my
Olimex-AT90USB162 board, I added support for this device into the
avrdude.conf(.in). For that I took the most recent datasheet for the
AT90USB162/82 from 11/2008 (revision 7707E) and the XML files from version
4.16 build 623 of AVR-Studio.

It took a while to get all parameters right, but I managed to verify each and
every parameter _instead_ of just copying over the settings from the other USB
controllers (e.g. AT90USB1287).

The settings for the AT90USB162 controller have been tested with my Olimx
board and they do work fine. I couldn't do any tests for the AT90USB82,
because I don't own such a controller. But since this device is nearly
identical to the '162 and since the datasheet is the same, only two flash size
parameters neded a chance, so it _should_ work fine also.



File Attachments:

Date: Sa 03 Jan 2009 17:06:40 UTC  Name:
avrdude_conf_55_support_usb162_usb82.diff  Size: 17kB   By: None
Patch to add support for AT90USB162 and AT90USB82 to avrdude.conf.in


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