You should just be able to add a new section to avrdude.conf.

Duplicate the section for the 328P and make the appropriate changes in name and signature.

Bill O'Neill

Aztec MCU Prototyping
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe C" <>
To: "Joe C" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: [avrdude-dev] [bug #37222] Cant program ATMEGA328 chip correctly


                Summary: Cant program ATMEGA328 chip correctly
                Project: AVR Downloader/UploaDEr
           Submitted by: jchiarelli
           Submitted on: Wed 29 Aug 2012 08:38:40 PM GMT
               Category: None
               Severity: 3 - Normal
               Priority: 5 - Normal
             Item Group: None
                 Status: None
                Privacy: Public
            Assigned to: None
        Originator Name: jchiarelli
       Originator Email:
            Open/Closed: Open
        Discussion Lock: Any



Hi I am programming a ATMEGA328 NON-p chip with a USBtinyISP. I have had to change the signature so it will program the non-p version of the ATMEGA328P

I dont see a part number in avrdude for the nonP chip.

I use both ATMEGA328 and ATMEGA328P chips and this is a config change when I
switch everytime.

Is there a way to add support for the NON-P chip? arvdude -p m328 perhaps?

so to have something like this:
m328p = ATMEGA328P [/opt/local/etc/avrdude.conf:9029]
m328 = ATMEGA328 [/opt/local/etc/avrdude.conf:xxxx]


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