On Apr 21, 2010, at 3:22pm, Doug Cutting wrote:

Ken Krugler wrote:
One open issue - it would be great to be able to set metadata in the headers of the resulting Avro files. But it wasn't obvious how to do that, given our (intentionally) arms-length approach via the use of the Avro mapred code. One idea would be to have job conf values using keys prefixed with avro.metadata.xxx, and the Avro mapred support could automagically use that when creating the file. But this would break our goal of using unmodified Avro source, so I'm curious whether support for setting the file metadata would also be useful for the standard (Hadoop) use of Avro for an output format, and if so, whether there was a better approach.

Embedding the metadata in the configuration seems like a good approach. Please file a Jira issue for this and attach a patch.

AvroOutputFormat can add properties named avro.mapred.output.metadata.*. We'll have to enumerate all properties in the job and test for this prefix, since Configuration is a HashMap, but the alternative of encoding the metadata map in a single configuration value seems no more attractive.

Note that https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-6420 added support for adding maps to configuration, but the extracted map cannot be enumerated, so could not be added to the DataFileWriter's metadata. Also, this feature is perhaps slated for removal as a part of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-6698, but its code might prove useful as a starting point.

Thanks for the info, we'll work up a patch & file the issue when it's ready.

Two related questions:

1. I'm assuming there's no compelling reason to read the file headers - in fact, not sure how you'd even get at the data, much less how you'd deal with potentially partial/missing data from a set of Avro files being read as part files.

2. We'd like to not include Avro source in the Cascading scheme project, but rather just have a dependency on the Avro jar.

We have a similar relationship between Bixo and Tika, and what's worked well is for the Bixo master branch to have a dependency on the Tika snapshot builds, so we can quickly iterate on both projects.

So are there plans to start pushing Avro snapshot builds to the Apache snapshots repository? I see occasional Avro releases to the Maven central repo (1.0, 1.2, 1.3.2) but nothing for snapshots.


-- Ken

Ken Krugler
+1 530-210-6378
e l a s t i c   w e b   m i n i n g

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