
Avro provides:

    * Rich data structures.
    * A compact, fast, binary data format.
    * A container file, to store persistent data.
    * Remote procedure call (RPC).
    * Simple integration with dynamic languages. Code generation is
      not required to read or write data files nor to use or
      implement RPC protocols. Code generation as an optional
      optimization, only worth implementing for statically typed


Matt Massie wrote:
I need a 150 word description of the Avro project as part of us becoming
a TLP.  If I don't hear from anyone, I'll just go ahead and write one
myself.  I wanted to check if anyone already had something more than we
put on our docs page.
Also, what high-profile users can we publicly talk about?

Here is an example from Cassandra:

About Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is an advanced, second-generation "NoSQL" distributed
data store that has a shared-nothing architecture. The Cassandra
decentralized model provides massive scalability, and is highly
available with no single point of failure even under the worst
scenarios. Originally developed at Facebook and submitted to the ASF
Incubator in 2009, Cassandra graduated as a Top-Level Apache Project in
February 2010, added more than a half-dozen new committers, and is
deployed by dozens of high-profile users such as Cisco WebEx, Cloudkick,
Digg, Facebook, Rackspace, Reddit, and Twitter, among others.

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