Hey Rob
Sorry but there are really things i do not understand while loading external assets.
here is part of my script :

private function loadObjects():void
            //var context:AssetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext();
            var loader:Loader3D = new Loader3D();
loader.addEventListener(AssetEvent.ASSET_COMPLETE, onAssetComplete); loader.load(new URLRequest("assets/test/test.3ds"),new Max3DSParser());

private function onAssetComplete(event:AssetEvent):void
trace("on asset loaded "+event.asset.name+" type="+event.asset.assetType);
            switch (event.asset.assetType) {
                case AssetType.MESH :
                    trace("asset loaded mesh "+event.asset.name);
                    mesh = event.asset as Mesh;
                    mesh.castsShadows = true;
                    mesh.material = material;

                case AssetType.BITMAP :
var bmp:BitmapDataAsset = event.asset as BitmapDataAsset;
                    trace("material info"+bmp.name);
                    material = new BitmapMaterial();
                    material.bitmapData = bmp.bitmapData;
material.shadowMethod = new FilteredShadowMapMethod(this.light);
                    material.lights = [this.light];
                    material.gloss = 30;
                    material.specular = 1;
                    material.ambientColor = 0x303040;
                    material.ambient = 1;


the problem is the following one : on my traces, i see the texture Uvmapped about my objet is well loaded, but the mesh itself doesn't. have also tried to do the same with assetLibrary.load(..) with the same result. If i request to load the jpg , it works, if i request to load the 3ds, it load the jpg .... I really understand nothing at all ... Does anyone has a simple sample about how to load an external mesh ?

PS: just in case, the textures, material etc... has to have width/height to be an exposure of 2, and max 2048. This was not the case in away3D 3.6.

Le 12/10/2011 22:56, Rob Bateman a écrit :
Hey Fabrice

there will be more demos in the away3d-examples-fp11 folder of this nature in the coming weeks. But to answer your question directly, yes there is. You can use the mapUrl() method of the AssetLoaderContext that is passed as an optional parameter in all load operations in Away3D if you are having trouble local/global filepaths, or you can set the includeDependencies property to false and manually handle the initialisation of materials by setting up an assetComplete event handler for all material assets encountered in the AssetLibrary parser.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:58 PM, fabrice wolf <fabrice.w...@gmail.com <mailto:fabrice.w...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I am currently trying to upgrade my 3D map engine from 3.6 to 4.0.
    I used to use TextureQueue, but it seems we have to use
    AssetLibrary class now.
    My problem is that i can't embed the assets in my swf's, i need to
    load them then to build dynamically the objects.
    In 3.6, i was using 2 texturequeues feeded with xmls, one to load
    the texture, the other to load the normalmaps, and when i was sure
    everyhting was well laoded, i loaded the 3ds and build the objetcs
    and the meshes with good textures and normal maps.
    I have really look everywhere, but i have found no tutorial,
    niether explanation anywhere on how to load assets in 4.0.
    Anyone could help me ? Is there a solution to "push" urls of
    assets to load in the assetlibrary, then to load everthing at once ?
    any help would be faaaar welcome

Rob Bateman
Flash Development & Consultancy

rob.bate...@gmail.com <mailto:rob.bate...@gmail.com>
www.infiniteturtles.co.uk <http://www.infiniteturtles.co.uk>
www.away3d.com <http://www.away3d.com>

Fabrice Wolf
Ludoptin / Machiavelic SARL
Tel : 04 84 25 25 78

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