A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below. User who did this - Sias Mey (sias)
Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - lib xcb >= 1.1.0 not found in Ubuntu 8.10 even after compiling and 
installing from freedesktop git
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - Build system
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - Operating System - Linux
Severity - Low
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - git/master
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - Hi

Im a new convert to dynamic WMs and also quite new to bug tracking and 
compiling stuff in linux. So please excuse me if I make any unforgivible errors 
in this report.

OK here goes.
I tried to compile the latest developement version of awesome but was stopped 
by the following.

running make produced:
-- checking for module 'xcb>=1.1.0'
--   package 'xcb>=1.1.0' not found

so a quick google later I glone the git repository at 
and proceed to build and install. However even after that and a couple of 
reboots to be sure make still produces:
-- checking for module 'xcb>=1.1.0'
--   package 'xcb>=1.1.0' not found

Eventually I found that you seem to use pkg-config to check for the library 
versions so I did some googleing and manpaging and finaly ran:
pkg-config --modversion xcb
and that produced: 1.1
some more mucking about and I find that if I change the requirement in 'awesomeConfig.cmake' on line 129 - 130 from pkg_check_modules(AWESOME_COMMON_REQUIRED REQUIRED

I can compile.

I am filing this report from awesome in ubuntu 8.10 after using that hack to 
compile. I havent noticed any ill effects of the change yet, but It not really 
like I tried with another version of xcb either.

I hope somebody that understands the processes involved can sort this out since 
I really dont know what the implications of dropping the 0 at the end might be.

Hope this helps,

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