At 1228229037 time_t, Lluis wrote:
> I've been wanting for days to post some ideas to modularize customizability in
> awesome. My proposal consists of two main ideas:

That's a good idea, we probably missed so module to handle some common
aspect that are widely used by many users.

> To that extent (specially in the case of config files), I've created a little
> example LUA library to manage "stacked" directories, files.lua.

I dislike this one a bit.
And anyway what you achieve is a require()-like dofile, I wonder if
using require() wouldn't be enough.

Anyway, adding some functions in awful.util (like we have getdir())
should be enough.

> note that this uses the files.lua to find the file in either user's or 
> system's
> dirs. This file can redefine the "terminal" hotkey as (Mod4+Shift+t):
>     terminal = MS t

Yeah, why not.

> What I didn't even start but was my original target is support for a
> configurable statusbar. The idea is to provide a high-level statusbar library
> used to build statusbars from a bunch of system- and user-provided widgets. My
> idea was to provide a package/library (or however it is called in lua) for 
> each
> widget. Then user just asks for a statusbar on top with widgets "taglist" and
> "cmdrunbox" on the left and "tray" on the right, and another statusbar on the
> bottom with widgets "amarokplay" and "cpuusage" on the right.
> The idea is to use, again, the files.lua to find the widgets (to allow the 
> user
> providing extra widgets or overriding existing ones) or even the LUA
> package/library search mechanism, along with an easy interface to customize 
> the
> statusbar without the need to type real lua code.

Yes, use the Lua mechanism.

> What do you think? And which do you think are the proper abstractions, apis 
> and
> mechanism for those? (e.g. searching available statusbar widgets)

Use the system we use with awful.
We furnish awful.widget with (only 2) widgets for now, but that can be
splitted anytime to accept more widgets.
Maybe if there's many more widgets we could move awful.widget to special
widget module, instead of awful.

Long story short, what you want is more Lua module to load more static
configuration file. And I'm not against it, really.

Now, what I'll have to write is probably a guideline toward external
module inclusion in awesome if people start writing many of them. :-)

Julien Danjou
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