
On Tue 2009-05-05 20:45, Gregor Best <farha...@googlemail.com>
> I finally found some time to hack around awesome again, so here i present a
> backport of :extents() from the widget-layouts branch to the master branch and
> a little addition to naughty which makes it behave much more friendly to 
> screen
> space by automagically resizing naughtyfications so they take exactly as much
> space as they need.

That is great to hear, I was hoping that this would be done at some
point of time. Seems like I can finally remove some ugly manual naughty
size settings from my rc.lua.

Thanks for the work.


Frank Blendinger | fb(at)intoxicatedmind.net | GPG: 0x0BF2FE7A
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