On 15.9.2009 10:47:47 Julien Danjou <jul...@danjou.info> wrote:
> It'd be nice if your MUA can wrap lines at ~72 chars. :)

Yes, I'll try :) I'm sorry

> Having layout written in C is just more limiting than having them in Lua
> and brings nothings but less extendability (is this a word?).

Except for less extendability (I think it is :) it brings speed. I'm not sure if
you have any experience with lua speed in awesome, I just found this:
showing lua is about 30 times slower than C (the actual ratio in this case
may vary by as much as 50% IMHO). The layout function could be called
a lot (again I'm not sure how much though), its a bit long and with
complex layouts is called recursively.. and so it could have an
impact on slower mashines (and awesome is supposed to be
lightweight..). you don't think it could be an issue?

> It's really not inconsistent. It's how X works after all. :)

I'm not convinced :P (see my last mail, windows parented to root and those
parented to wibox both have quite different sets of properties)

> AFAICT, it will not be replaced. It will probably be adapted and used in
> a little different way, but not simply removed. So you can go on. :)

I will, and I'll also put a counter in there to see how much it gets called :)

Anyway, just my 2 cents...


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