I think the ticks look _very_ nice -- especially with the gradients.

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Adrian C. <an...@sysphere.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> sticking to the same principles from my last e-mail, the "simple is
> better than complex" and so on, here is the second version of ticks.
> My biggest dilemma in the last e-mail was ticks and gaps sizes.
> Considering possible implementations I settled on the following; being
> that the awful.widget.progressbar has a default size (100px wide) why
> not have a default tick and gap size (4px and 1px respectively). If a
> user goes trough the trouble of changing progressbar properties, and
> also enables ticks, why wouldn't he choose his own tick size, one that
> is more appropriate to his chosen progressbar dimensions.
> Three methods are available: set_ticks (false by default),
> set_ticks_size (width or height if horizontal or vertical) and
> set_ticks_gap. The gaps are drawn only over the gradient, the same color
> as the progressbar background.
> But (unlike the previous version) the number of ticks for the whole
> progressbar is calculated, so the gaps could be drawn in advance (by
> removing rel_offset comparison to rel_height/rel_x). But in that case
> the gaps should be of a different color (like wibox background), to get
> the effect of empty ticks.
> Demonstration of progressbars, with usage examples:
>  - http://bljak.org/~anrxc/images/progressbars.png
> --
> Adrian C. (anrxc) | anrxc..sysphere.org | PGP ID: D20A0618
> PGP FP: 02A5 628A D8EE 2A93 996E  929F D5CB 31B7 D20A 0618

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