
first patch:

On 17.02.2012 15:14, Anurag Priyam wrote:
> +function table.cycle(t, filter, start)
> +            index = cycle(#t, index + 1)

I just noticed that this would bring us awful.util.cycle and
awful.util.table.cycle which do completely different things. How about
awful.util.table.iterate? Anyone has any good ideas? (I definitely don't)

Second patch:

> +-- c.minimized = false <br/>
> +-- end <br/>
> +--
> +-- </code></p>

I actually have not much clue about luadoc, so: Why the empty line?
Also: Urgh, really have to add <br /> inside of code examples? :-(
Finally: What about indentation?

> +function cycle(filter, start)
> +    local clients = capi.client.get()
> +    local focused = capi.client.focus
> +    local start   = start or util.table.hasitem(clients, focussed)
Typo? (The second one has "ss", the first one is correct with "s")

> +    return util.table.cycle(clients, filter, start)
> +end

Could this get a screen argument (called 's', I guess)?
It would only have to be "cycle(filter, start, s)" and could be directly passed
to capi.client.get().


- He made himself, me nothing, you nothing out of the dust
- Er machte sich mir nichts, dir nichts aus dem Staub

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