
 The errors are expected table in (182 shifty.lua) and got string.

 179 --select : helper function chooses the first non-nil argument
 180 --@param args - table of arguments
 181 function select(args)
 182     for i, a in pairs(args) do
 183         if a ~= nil then
 184             return a
 185         end
 186     end
 187 end

They're the "generic" errors I get sometimes when I mess up with

El Mon, 25 Nov 2013 11:21:47 +0100
g.schlmm escribió:

>just tried it and it works for me.
>You shouldnt run Gtk.main(), since aewsome has already a main loop
>tried it with:
>and commented Gtk.main() out in the last line .
>what kind of error messages are you getting ?
>On 11/23/2013 08:56 PM, Carlos Morata Castillo wrote:
>> Hi to everyone and congratulations for your awesome work. :)
>> I have this file:
>> ====gtk.lua=============
>> local lgi = require 'lgi'
>> local GObject = lgi.GObject
>> local Gtk = lgi.Gtk
>> ========================
>> I try this on a shell:
>> bash# echo dofile('gtk.lua') | awesome-client
>> And my system is flooded with errors messages.
>> If I don't include lgi.Gtk everything's ok.
>> It's kind of mistery because:
>> bash#
>> lua gtk.lua
>> works like a charm.
>> Everything comes cause I'm developing a widget that once clicked
>> shows a form with GTK to get things inside a db (with luasql.sqlite).
>> Everything works great if I execute it with "lua file.lua" but I
>> have to integrate it in awesome wm because I need to retrieve a
>> global table in awesome wm enviroment.
>> So I have 2 issues:
>> -Getting work lgi.Gtk in awesome
>> -Getting _G.mytable from a lua script launched in a shell
>> Thanks!

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