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FS#1230 - Yet another task-/taglist rewrite
User who did this - Emmanuel Lepage Vallee (Elv13)

In my view, we could just use the Radical ones. Radical is designed to manage 
lists of items. It support all possible way of customizing, labeling, skinning 
and extending. There is still some work to be done, but when you understand how 
it work, the layered design is very clean and usable. Why duplicate work, 
Radical implementation already exist, how it filter the tags can be changed 
easily (the current way is "all tags from X screen", but that is not a long 
term solution).

I don't think yet another "hardcoded" blackbox implementation can ever cover 
all user request, such as a random prefix like the GMane thread. There is no 
point for planning for "all use cases" when you can pick an implementation that 
is extendable to begin with. (This is my opinion). What do you think? (PS, 
don't try to use the taglist version in my Git, the one I am referring to is in 
a local branch until it #1229 is mitigated) (PPS, I am slowly writing the 
architectural Radical doc, it is not complete yet)

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