
I am trying to put some clients to my second screen, but it could not
get it working yet. I am using a apptags map like this:

    apptags =
        ["Swiftfox"] = { screen = 1, tag = 2 },
        ["gmpc"] = { screen = 1, tag = 4 },
        ["XEyes"] = { screen = 2, tag = 1 },
        ["MPlayer"] = { screen = 2, tag = 2 },

and have the following lines in my awful.hooks.manage function:

    -- Check application->screen/tag mappings.
    local target
    if apptags[cls] then
        target = apptags[cls]
    elseif apptags[inst] then
        target = apptags[inst]
    if target then
        c.screen = target.screen
        awful.client.movetotag(tags[target.screen][target.tag], c)
        --awful.client.movetoscreen(c, target.screen)
        --awful.util.spawn("echo \"move to screen " .. target.screen .. "\" | 
~/bin/osd &")

This is just taken from the default rc.lua that ships with 3.1, exept the last
two line that I put in for testing/debugging. The code gets executed on
client creation, I cheched this with the osd spawn, but when the screen
field within the apptags entry is not set to 1, it just does not work.
The client will always appear on the current tag on the current screen.

Putting in the movetoscreen line does not work either. I also noticed
that this default keybinding does not work for me:

    keybinding({ modkey }, "o", awful.client.movetoscreen):add()

I am using the awesome version from Debian experimental:

    awesome (awesome) v3.1 (Helicopter)
     • Build: Dec 13 2008 00:35:30 for i686 by gcc version 4.3.2 
     • D-Bus support: ✘

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?


Frank Blendinger | fb(at)intoxicatedmind.net | GPG: 0x0BF2FE7A
Fingerprint: BB64 F2B8 DFD8 BF90 0F2E 892B 72CF 7A41 0BF2 FE7A
  "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."
                                               (Homer Simpson)

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