
I'm sorry, but I'm really frustrated. I just bought thinkingrock and was excited to fire it up and then I got really frustrated. This could really become a show stopper for awesome and that would suck - big time! :(

The application starts fine, but some functions do not work, e.g. windows don't show up, settings are not saved, etc. I use Ubuntu Maverick x64 and just started the default Ubuntu session and thinkingrock works like a charm. So this seems to be an awesome/awesome related problem that either awesome is buggy or some settings are not loaded when starting awesome instead of gnome. I did not integrate awesome within gnome, but only load those gnome-programs that are of use to me, e.g. gnome-settings-daemon, screensaver, power manager, nm- and bluetooth-applet.

I'm having trouble with the openJdk version of java so that's why I fell back to use sun-java. Again, under gnome no problem, in awesome I get aforementioned problems. I already tried the usual suspects concerning java problems in awesome but without any luck. Exporting AWT_Toolkit even gives me a sigsev. wm_name and non-reparenting do not have any effect.

Please, please tell me that you have an idea where to start looking! Help is highly appreciated!



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