Hello Ali,

I use kbdd + setxkbmap for switching layouts with a shortcut. Add the following line to your autorun section of Awesome (or to .xinitrc):

setxkbmap -layout 'us,ru' -variant ',winkeys' -option grp:alt_shift_toggle -option compose:ralt

Change "ru" to the layout you want. This command will also set your Right Alt to act as a compose key (so you can type nice things like ©®™å by holding Right Alt and pressing "o" and "c" for example).


On 03/15/2012 01:23 PM, ali.mous...@gmail.com wrote:
I wonder if anyone has a working way to set the keyboard leyout per client. I tried using xxkb which was suggested in the wiki[1], but it couldn't remember the layout for applications probably due to this bug[2]. So I tried kbdd which is explained in the wiki[3], and it was the only thing that worked but I couldn't use the shortcut alt + shift to change the keyboard. sometimes the shortcut works, sometimes doesn't and this is pretty much annoying. changing the shortcuts using the mouse buttons seemed to be working as expected.
so, if anyone has any advice I really appreciate it.

[1] http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/FAQ#How_to_add_a_keyboard_layout_switcher_.3F [2] https://awesome.naquadah.org/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=476 <https://awesome.naquadah.org/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=476>
[3] http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Keyboard_layouts_with_kbdd

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