
I have 2 computers, each with a screen and a graphics card. I would
like to use the second computer only like an graphic card + screen, so
I can work with only one keyboard and one mouse which are connected to
the first computer, and I would like to awesome view two screens (one
local and one remote)

Of course second computer, I will use though ssh ...

I will take a look to xdmx project (inside Xorg), but I'm afraid it
would not work (I will post if I success with it), maybe I will have
to use that in combination with synergy (or not, I'm not sure)

Other possibility is starting awesome with DISPLAY=xxx:0 where xxx is
the ip of the second computer, using synergy to use only one keyboard,
but doing that I lose the possibility of change windows from one
screen to other, and I'm not sure If I can run both awesome instances
(I think this should not be a problem, but who knows ?)

So, any advice ?

Thanks !!

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