On Wed, Apr 04 2012, Uli Schlachter wrote:

> people occasionally complain about awesome awesome.spawn() (and the wrappers
> awful.util.spawn() and spawn_with_shell()). They want more control over the
> argument array that is passed to the new process. They want to handle stdout 
> and
> stderr individually. They want all of this to be non-blocking, so that their 
> WM
> doesn't freeze. They want the child's exist code.
> And the coder heard their complaints. But he didn't want to write any code. So
> he asked the almighty Google. Anyway, attached is a sample program which does
> all of the above. This needs lua-ev[0] and luaposix[1]. lua-ev handles the
> non-blocking part (and accidentally integrates with awesome's main loop) while
> luaposix let's us set up pipes, fork and execute a process.
> Actually, I lied. To make lua-ev work with awesome, it needs a simple 
> patch[2].
> However, I hope that gets resolved eventually.
> So now that I mentioned this, let's see what cool stuff you come up with.
> Actually, I write this mail mostly as a reminder to myself, but whatever.
> Cheers,
> Uli
> P.S.: Yes, POSIX is not trivial, nor is libev. So what? :-P
> [0] https://github.com/brimworks/lua-ev
> [1] https://github.com/rrthomas/luaposix
> [2]
> https://github.com/psychon/lua-ev/commit/7580fb759b8664f6598199eed4ac0c9d70c4352c

This is… awesome, Uli. I saw you did a pull requests, so eventually this
will end into lua-ev. What would be cool is that we provide sugar based
on your example in awesome 3.5. I've opened #985 to remind us of that.

Thanks for this :)


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