I'm new to mailing lists so I don't think my last reply (the following
message) got through. Here's me reposting it.

>From what I take it, I need to create a wibox.layout, define custom
margins and stick my widget in it?

I'm new to lua and awesome so I'm again lost at what to do...
I did give it my best shot though:

local membar_wibar = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal()
wibox.layout.margin.set_margins(membar_wibar, 5)
local layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal()


I see my widget, but the margins don't seem to take effect.

Also, where would I put the new line of code for the gradient colors?
I don't know what I'm supposed to call anyone.

I appreciate all the help.
Hong Pak

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Uli Schlachter <psyc...@znc.in> wrote:
> On 03.05.2012 21:42, dodo wrote:
>> On 2 May 2012 22:24, Uli Schlachter <psyc...@znc.in> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 02.05.2012 22:03, Hong Shick Pak wrote:
>>>> I am currently using awesome-git-20120214-1 and there are changes with
>>>> the config that I can't find documented. I have tried to read the git
>>>> commit logs and its a bit cryptic for me. I've run into 2 issues
>>>> specifically. What happened to widget.layouts?
>>> wibox.layout happened to it. Works quite different, is IMHO way more 
>>> flexible
>>> and everyone out there will hate me because it breaks their config.
>> they don't have to: https://github.com/dodo/uzful/blob/master/layout/util.lua
>> it basically eats a table similar to like in 3.4 and uses the new layout 
>> style.
>> (usage: https://github.com/dodo/awesomerc/blob/master/rc.lua#L513-530)
>> if you want i can make a patch out if it.
> Hm, dunno. I think that this pretty much sucks for converting configs. It only
> really works for a fixed or a flex layout, and even then the old rightleft 
> stuff
> doesn't work. The syntax for align also is too different from what is there 
> in 3.4.
> However, this might shorten configs a bit. E.g. before:
>  local l = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
>  l:add(a)
>  l:add(b)
>  l:add(c)
> after:
>  local l = { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
>              a, b, c }
> I'm not sure if it's worth merging this just for this minor convenience...
> Uli
> who's quite bad at deciding right now
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