On 06.05.2012 02:02, Adrian C. wrote:
> On Sat, 5 May 2012, Adrian C. wrote:
>> On Sat, 5 May 2012, Mark Murawski wrote:
>>> I can ssh into the machine and it's running perfectly fine.
>> You read the syslog, dmesg, Xorg.0.log and xsession-errors?
> I was reading the changelog and remembered widgets can block awesome 
> which would look like a "freeze" to you and would not leave a trace in 
> logs.
> Curl v7.24.0 changed behavior and waits for input indefinitely, some 
> Vicious modules use curl. Alsa' amixer can hang for PulseAudio 
> users unless they specify which card to use, Vicious volume module uses 
> amixer.

But none of that would lock awesome *and* chromium. Clicking in chromium would
work even when awesome is hung.

Thus this really must be the X server being grabbed by a GrabServer command.
That command makes the X server ignore all other apps except the one which did
the GrabServer and apparently this one never does an UngrabServer.


- Buck, when, exactly, did you lose your mind?
- Three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple.
  An ugly pineapple... But I loved her.

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