Douglas K. Rand <rand <at>> writes:

> I've got a couple of stickey clients (like GKrellM and Psi's roster)
> that are shown on every tag:
>     { rule = { name = "gkrellm" },
>       properties = { border_width = 0,
>                      skip_taskbar = true,
>                      sticky = true,
>                      floating = true } },
>     { rule = { name = "^Psi$" },
>       properties = { border_width = 0,
>                      skip_taskbar = true,
>                      sticky = true,
>                      floating = true } },
> But I'm also using awful.autofocus, and it is always GKrellm or the
> Psi roster that has the focus when I switch tags, and I'm finding that
> annoying. What I've found is that this small patch to focus.filter in
> awful/client.lua seems to fix the problem for me, and also seems to be
> reasonable also.
> --- client.lua-orig     2011-04-30 20:17:25.000000000 -0500
> +++ client.lua  2011-04-30 20:17:02.000000000 -0500
> @@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
>      if c.type == "desktop"
>          or c.type == "dock"
>          or c.type == "splash"
> +        or c.skip_taskbar
>          or not c.focusable then
>          return nil
>      end
> That if the client isn't using the taskbar, it shouldn't be in the
> focus history either.
> What are other's thoughts? I thought I'd ask here before creating a
> Flyspray task.

I agree. A few months ago, I noticed this behavior as well. Awesome used to
remember which window was focused in each tag (or so it seemed), but there was a
bug in the config file that would cause gkrellm to steal focus. I fixed the bug,
then noticed that someone else fixed it upstream a little while later. Now, I
can't find any way in the config file to fix this behavior.

Please do submit this as a bug, and I'll accept any fix that's reasonable.
Docked apps should not get focus when switching tags.

Gkrellm keeps changing colors and font sizes every now and then due to stolen

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