
I've recently switched to running Git master (@g39aace5) after
years of sticking with 3.4.15, as I didn't want to redo most of my

The main motivation for the switch was that I was told that the most
annoying behaviour of Firefox to steal my focus whenever a URL is
loaded was fixed 6 years ago.

So now my config is migrated and I feel much better about it, but
the Firefox bug persists! :(

If I have Firefox (v45) and a terminal on the same tag, and I run
"firefox http://debian.org"; in the terminal, Debian's website opens
in a new tab in Firefox (good!), *and* focus is shifted to that
window (bad!).

If Firefox is not visible at the time, it does not get focused, but
instead marked urgent (the property::urgent signal fires).

HOWEVER, the signal does *NOT* fire when Firefox is on the same tag
and already visible. Instead, focus is shifted directly.

I can't seem to tell this piece-of-junk Firefox to simply stop
pretending to be so important, so now I am wondering whether and how
Awesome can help!?

How can I find out what causes the focus shift?

What can be done to prevent this behaviour?

Please do note that I'd like to stay clear of hacks such as
(i.e. restoring the focus), but instead just prevent the wrong
behaviour altogether.


@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
"the surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in
 higher esteem those who think alike than those who think
                                              -- friedrich nietzsche
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