Hi, Anthony.
looks good.

20.03.2012 16:07, Anthony Petrov wrote:
Hi Sergey,

Thanks for the review. Indeed, a test case should be fine for this fix, so here's the updated webrev:


As to the 2), I prefer to not add tests for things that should be improved eventually, so instead I've filed a CR 7155164 to address this issue later.

best regards,

On 3/19/2012 4:23 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi Anthony.
probably it would be good to add 2 regression tests for this issue?
1) For the current issue, which wasn't found by the existing tests.
2) For the issue which was not resolved in the current fix.

16.03.2012 19:22, Anthony Petrov wrote:

Please review a fix for http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=7154177 at:


Basically, with this fix we make sure we never make an invisible window an owner or a child for another window on the native level. This way the OS won't accidentally show an invisible window on the screen.

Note that there's one scenario that isn't handled properly with this fix:

        //       visible root owner
        //          invisible owner
        //              visible dialog

In this case the visible dialog will not be tied with the visible root owner by the child-parent relationship. However, this scenario seems to be very unlikely to occur in real life.

best regards,

Best regards, Sergey.

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