Hi Anthony,

On 04/09/2012 09:22 AM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
> Mutter is the direct descendant of Metacity, so there's nothing wrong
> with it inheriting some "inconvenient" behavior of its parent. Given
> that Mutter is the standard WM for Gnome 3.0. I'm fine with the fix.
> A comment regarding the test:
>>   61         frame.pack();
>>   62         frame.setSize(500, 500);
> What's the point of this operations sequence? You should either simply
> set the desired size, or rely on the pack() alone if the automatically
> calculated size satisfies you. It just doesn't make sense to do both.

You are right. I have removed the pack() line.

> Also, the @bug line in the test should mention a real CR for this issue,
> I think it is 7043963.

Ah, I didn't have this number. Fixed now.

Updated webrev at:

Given Artem's comments, though, I not sure what to do here.


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