On 10/9/2013 2:48 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:
Hello, Anthony.

1. Can InvocationEvent.notifier be final instead of volatile?
It's protected, so it's a part of the public API. It is extremely unlikely 
someone would be broken by making this field final, but who knows..

2. InvocationEvent now has 4 ctors, 3 public and 1 private. Can all the public 
ctors call the private one directly? Right now there is an extra call from one 
public ctor to another, which then call the private one.
I've update the fix.

3. LWCToolkit.java: for backwards compatibility I suggest to replace "true" with 
"false" at line 562, so all the uncaught exceptions are thrown to the calling code, as it 
was before the fix.
Actually I think the behaviour before the fix was a bug. If you look to the end 
of the invokeAndWait method (LWCToolkit:577-583) we are taking the exceptions 
from the InvocationEvent and rethrowing them as the IvocationTargetException.
So originally the code was written with the intention to catch exceptions, but 
this was lost during the refactorings of this code (by me in JDK-8006634)

OK, thanks for clarification.

The new version (.02) still looks fine.



The updated fix is available here:

With best regards. Petr.

On 09.10.2013, at 14:31, Artem Ananiev <artem.anan...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi, Petr,

a few comments:

1. Can InvocationEvent.notifier be final instead of volatile?

2. InvocationEvent now has 4 ctors, 3 public and 1 private. Can all the public 
ctors call the private one directly? Right now there is an extra call from one 
public ctor to another, which then call the private one.

3. LWCToolkit.java: for backwards compatibility I suggest to replace "true" with 
"false" at line 562, so all the uncaught exceptions are thrown to the calling code, as it 
was before the fix.



On 10/9/2013 12:54 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:
Hello, AWT Team.

Please review the fix for the issue:
The fix is available at:
The CCC request for public API changes was approved:

The problem:
Is some cases InvocationEvent was deleted from the EventQueue when it's source 
was disposed. If this InvocationEvent was created by the 
LWCToolkit.invokeAnWait, it never exited from the nested event loop, so the 
application frizzed.

The solution:
Now when the InvocationEvent is removed it's disposed and the invokeAndWait 
mechanism gets notified and exits the nested event loop.

It's impossible to create a regression test here as the issue is very hard to 

With best regards. Petr.

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