
Could you review a fix for jdk9, please?

        bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8163889
        webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dmarkov/8163889/webrev.00/

Problem description:
Several functions inside ImageSurfaceData.m, (e.g. customPixelsFromJava(), 
customPixelsToJava(), etc.) invoke getJNIEnv() from ThreadUtilities instead of 
usage corresponding input parameter. According to the design - getJNIEnv() 
should be executed on AppKit thread, but all code related to printing should 
NOT run on AppKit thread. So we get the following assert here - ‘CocoaAWT: Not 
running on AppKit thread 0 when expected.’

Also customPixelsFromJava() and customPixelsToJava() call 
OSXOffScreenSurfaceData.syncFromCustom() and 
OSXOffScreenSurfaceData.syncToCustom(), but these methods are absent at Java 
layer. So when we try to perform such JNI invocation we experience the crash.

It is necessary to eliminate negative effects such as crashes, native 
exceptions and assert errors during printing.

Change summary:
 - Replaced invocation of getJNIEnv() with usage of corresponding input 
 - Added method stubs to OSXOffScreenSurfaceData.


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