Hi, Semyon.
A few questions:
 - Is it possible to add a test case for this bug? Since the bug was not found 
by sqe I assume we have no such tests.
 - Is the bug reproducible on jdk8?
 - Is it possible that parentFrame.isTargetUndecorated() may call the users 
code via XFramePeer->isTargetUndecorated()->Frame.isUndecorated()?
 - I suggest to create a standalone native application and send a bug report to 
the gnome3 team. Because next year it will be default on Ubuntu as well.

> Hello,
> Please review fix for JDK9:
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8178905
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8178905/webrev.00/
> When an undecorated window is initialized Gnome3 WM does not send the 
> ConfigureNotify event which is must in the Linux AWT implementation to 
> establish the correct frame content size.
> The suggested fix introduces a check for the frame content was initialized 
> upon the Expose notification and updates the content bounds if necessary.
> --Semyon

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