
You say this is for 14, but it is not a 14 regression.
Seems like it would be nice to fix but clearly not many people are running FX on top of the latest JDK.

Can you please join the dots for me on how a change of false to true in setBounds
is the way to fix it ? It is not obvious.

What testing have you done to ensure there are no other regressions either on macos or other OSes ?

On 1/14/20 8:10 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Please review the fix for JDK 14.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8236953
Fix: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8236953/webrev.00

The Swing components depends on the COMPONENT_RESIZED and
COMPONENT_MOVED posted by the AWT. These events are posted
in three situations:
 1. If the Component is invisible then events are always posted
    by the Component class.
 2. If the Component is visible and the size is changed by the
    user via setBounds() method then events are posted by the
    component only if the component is not Window.
 3. If the Component is visible and the size is changed by the
    OS then the peer will post these events.

Note that in point 2. we skip any top-level windows because we
know that sometime later we will get a native callback and will
post events at point 3.

In JDK-8144125
I note that fix had only one reviewer. We should have two unless there's a good reason not to.

I have fixed a bug when we always posted these
evens at point 2., and as a result, we got duplicated events after
point 3. But the fix caused current regression, the JLightweightFrame
which is used by the SwingNode is a kind of top-level window but w/o
the native part, so it will never get a native callback and should post
events ourself, we already do this on windows, and probably should do
this on Linux(it is currently works because on Linux AWT posts too
many events).

Is there a bug filed on this ?


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