I guest the inquiries->totals only show the remain of uninvoice balance.

Thamrin Hartono

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 2:25 PM, V G <learnaxa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi  all
> I am having a issue with invoiced purchase order in AX2009 SP1
> I follow these simple steps and get the total as zero
> I am wondering if this is microsoft bug or is it something related to
> setup.
> 1. create a purchase order
> 2. click inquiries->totals
> 3. it will show the correct total.
> 4. invoice the purchase order
> 5. click inquires->totals
> 6. does it show 0 as balance and invoice amount in total.
> Have anyone come across this problem
> Thanks in advance
> VG

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