The xsd deserialization for integer types is awfully

For instance, calling the getElementAsInt() API for
the XML fragment


I would have expected it to either return 30 or
ideally throw an exception. Instead, I get a value of
300 :( 

Similarly, calling 

"<foo>30 </foo>" returns a value of 300 !

I think the following change might have introduced
this bug.

Further, why aren't we validating against the maximum
and minimum value for each type ?

For instance, getElementAsShort() for the XML fragment

"<foo1>32768</foo1>" returns -1. I would have expected
AxisC++ to throw an exception saying it exceeds the
max value of short instead of silently returning wrong

I am surprised why this bug hasn't been seen till now.

Regardless, I think it should be top priority to fix
this issue. 


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