----- Original Message -----
From: "Jens Schumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 14:31
Subject: Bug 17347 - Provider Lookup Fails within EARs

> As stated in #17347 in certain situations the current custom provider
> will fail. I believe there is no way of having a cross app server jar
> resource loader, correct me if I am wrong. I have seen completely
> behaviors for exploded or archive based WAR or EAR deployments, even on
> same application server. Worst case some classes will be loaded using the
> system classloader. In these cases you will never be able to access to the
> WEB archive classpath, unless you use servletContext.getResource ...
> One possible way to handle this may be adding a new <provider name=""
> type="" /> tag to server-config.wsdd and call registerProvider(QName uri,
> WSDDProvider prov) directly while reading the configuration.
> If this is OK I will propose a patch ASAP.

I would encourage spending time getting it right (including discussing
proposals on the mail list), rather than rushing out a patch, as it is
pretty unlikely it is going to get into Axis1.1 this late  in the game.

First step should be we need to enumerate the different classloader problems
we are encoutering, across the various popular app servers people use.

> PS: There are a few other areas in AXIS which require exploded deployment.
> In my opinion a pretty nasty requirement ;(.

Agreed. We need to look at config persistence better.

FYI my laptops' Axis source has a 'deploy on startup servlet' that
auto-registers an array of .wsdd  files, so you dont need config persistence
so much; it autoinits itself from the build time configuration every startup

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