Walter Bauer wrote:

after some hours I found the problem: I was using Apache xerces 2.6.2 and
xalan 2.6.0 (java endorsed directory setup) together with SAAJ 1.2. Using
the standard jaxp parsers as they come with the java 1.4.2 release works -
but I need the new releases in my application.

I just downloaded Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.5 which includes SAAJ
1.2.1 and it's own versions of xerces and xalan. Sun dubs these versions
2.6.2+ and 2.6.0+.

Strangely enough: the package of these xerces and xalan derivates is named

The renaming was deliberate, because Java1.4+ has that notion of "endorsed" code; only JARs placed into the endorsed directory is allowed to override classes that ship with the JVM. While this stops old code shipping with old versions of libraries that are now built in from causing confusion, it made a complete mess of anyone trying to redist an up to date XML parser. renaming is an attempt to limit the damage: only sun get to redist their repackaged JARs; you can stil use org.apache impls wherever you want.


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