Hi All,
It's partly my fault that ADB did not get tested with Amazon or Google or any other widely used WSDLs. However ADB does not understand SOAP encoding (!) and the Google service cannot be directly codegned. One other limitation of ADB is that it does not support imports (yet) which I intend to fix before the end of this indigo plugfest (with the hope of  using ADB for Indigo interoperability as well)
In the mean time anyone is welcome to write test cases for testing the ADB stuff. I've already written some reflection based tests (these tests have to be reflection based since the code generates during the build!) and are in the org.apache.axis2.databinding.schema.populate package in the test folder of the codegen module.
On Thu, 2005-11-03 at 13:34 -0500, Tom Jordahl wrote

> What I would hope is that ADB can be used with a typical WSDL found in
> the wild – UDDI, Amazon.com, Google, etc, etc.  If it doesn't work
> with the WSDL users are likely to want to consume, then they will just
> walk away.  Or maybe they will figure out how to use XMLBeans.  Maybe.

Oh absolutely- if ADB doesn't work with Google, Amazon, Salesforce,
Yahoo etc. then its no use at all. Can you help identify a set of
"widely used" services like that that need to be test cases? I've asked
for that repeatedly but there haven't been many responses. If we have a
set of WSDLs that'll help identify what features need to work and which
are not needed for "normal use".


Ajith Ranabahu

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