Hi All,

First, let me apologize for not being available to help out on anything
for the 1.1 release.  My own project has been in crunch mode for the
past 6 months, and so after we had a solid axis2 post-1.0 snapshot, I
couldn't spend any more time on it.  Hopefully I'll be in a better
position able to help on the next axis2 release after 1.1.

We are releasing our product, which embeds axis2, to beta this month and
GA next month.  I've just upgraded to axis2 1.1, using a build from
yesterday's sources.  The upgrade was painless.  All is working great! 
This new version of axis2 will be incorporated into our QA processes
starting immediately.

Thanks for all you hard effort to make a great package even better!


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