Hi Thilo,

On 1/8/07, Thilo Frotscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


If you want to make use of password callback classes, these always
depend on org.apache.ws.security.WSPasswordCallback, because the
Callback instances which are passed into the handle() method have
to be cast. WSPasswordCallback is contained in WSS4J, which depends
itself von XML Security.

This means, that when you develop client applications, you have to
have WSS4J and XML Security in your classpath. The same is true for
the server side: you must copy both JAR files to axis2/WEB-INF/lib,
otherwise your servlet container reports a ClassNotFoundException
for WSPasswordCallback.

What I don't understand about this is that the Rampart module actually
contains these jars. Why do I have to add them a second time to my
client project and/or Axis2 web application. Why can't Rampart use
the JARs in its own module archive?

The issue here is that service tries to load the callback handler
class packaged with the service archive using the service classloader.
The callback handler uses the WSPasswordCallback class and this
requires the wss4j to be visible in the service classloader.

Since these jars are required to be in the main classpath anyway ...
how about leaving them out of the rampart mar file and then shipping
an ant script that will copy the required jars (we already have this
file in the rampart-1.1 distro).


Am I missing something?


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