Hi folks!

Recently I was in the midst of writing a test which used ServiceClient directly (i.e. not a Stub). I wanted to get at the last OperationContext by using client.getLastOperationContext() but it wasn't working... turns out this was because there are (at least) two ways of making an OperationContext and associating it with a ServiceContext. You could call serviceContext.createOperationContext() (which as it happens was the place where the code to cache the lastOperationContext lived), OR you could call ContextFactory.createOperationContext(AxisOperation, ServiceContext) directly, which did NOT have the caching code - and this is what was happening when you used the ServiceClient directly (via ServiceClient.createClient()). I took a look into this, and came to the following conclusion.

I'd like to get rid of ContextFactory entirely, for a few reasons. First it's confusing to have multiple ways of doing things, and that's why the above problem occurred. Second, since contexts depend on each other (it doesn't make sense to have a MessageContext without a ConfigurationContext, for example), it is a little odd that there are currently a bunch of ways to build contexts with inappropriately disconnected references. I think we should be as flexible as possible, but it should not be possible to build context hierarchies that aren't really usable (i.e. an OperationContext without a ServiceContext). Finally, the Factory pattern (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern) isn't really reflected by ContextFactory - it's neither generating potentially different versions of a base class interface, nor is it doing a lot of setup work for you. In fact the work it does could (and should) be more easily accomplished by simply putting factory methods in the Context classes themselves. I believe this also simplifies the code.

So I'm thinking the context generation should work as follows. The methods which take args should all be protected against nulls.

cc = new ConfigurationContext() // this one you can just make

mc = configContext.createMessageContext()

sgc = configContext.createServiceGroupContext(AxisServiceGroup)

sc = serviceGroupContext.createServiceContext(AxisService)

oc = serviceContext.createOperationContext(AxisOperation)

mc = operationContext.createMessageContext(AxisMessage)



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