Sameera, isn't the right thing to do to stub out the axis2 class loading stuff to be behind an interface? And then if axis2 is in an OSGi environment, the interface would be implemented by code that loads classes using OSGi calls instead of plain Java.


Sameera Jayasoma wrote:
Yeah I also agree with the point "DynamicImport-Package: * is pretty evil". You cannot get some of the benefits of OSGi. But if you are working with Axis2-1.4.1, and you need your bundles work properly in other OSGi framework implemetations, you may have to use it at some point.

Another solutions would be to implement a layer on top of Axis2, which handles all these dynamic configurations. We have done this kind of an implementation in WSO2 Carbon to add deployers dynamically, without putting deployer entries in Axis2.xml. These deployers are in seperate bundles. When the bundle is activated, it registers Deployer service with required service properties. Then the correspoinding service listener adds the deployer.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 11:11 PM, David Illsley < <>> wrote:

    Urgh, DynamicImport-Package: * is pretty evil. It is a pretty simple
    way to retrofit existing code into OSGI, but using it essentially
    throws away the potential benefits. I *think* the best way is for the
    Tuscany MessageReceiver objects to be registered as OSGI services. It
    looks like the existing Axis2 osgi module hooks up registered
    MessageReceiver services to act as the default message receiver for a
    given MEP. I don't know if that would be enough for you? If not, I'd
    think that it wouldn't be too hard to extend the existing code in the
    osgi module to register in non-default MessageReceiver objects.


    On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:06 AM, Sameera Jayasoma
    < <>> wrote:
     > On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Mike Edwards
     > <
    <>> wrote:
     >> Folks,
     >> I am writing as a developer on the Apache Tuscany project.
     >> We are building a version of Tuscany that runs on OSGi - and we
    use Axis2
     >> in our codebase.
     >> We're experiencing some problems associated with running Axis2 with
     >> Tuscany under OSGi and I'd
     >> appreciate any help you can give us.
     >> The problem we've run into relates to user-provided Message Receiver
     >> classes that are part of the
     >> Tuscany code and which are configured into axis2.xml as follows:
     >>    <messageReceivers>
     >>       <!-- Added by Tuscany -->
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >> class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOnlyMessageReceiver"/>
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >> class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver"/>
     >>       <!-- Added by Tuscany -->
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >>       <!-- Added by Tuscany -->
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >> class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOnlyMessageReceiver"/>
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >> class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver"/>
     >>       <!-- Added by Tuscany -->
     >>        <messageReceiver mep="";
     >>    </messageReceivers>
     >> When we run the code using OSGi, we get class loading exceptions
    for those
     >> Tuscany message receiver
     >> classes, since the code that loads those classes is in the Axis2
     >> (AxisConfigBuilder) - but that
     >> code has no declared dependencies on the Tuscany packages
    containing the
     >> message receivers - so that
     >> we get class not found exceptions.
     >> Do you have a solution for this problem?
     > Yes.  As you have mentioned the problem here is, The class loader
     > loads Axis2 classes does not see the Tuscany classes.  You can use
     > DynamicaImport-Package OSGi manifest header for the Axis2 bundle.
     > DynamicImport-Package: *
     > This allows Axis2 bundle to dynamically load classes from other
     > which are not wired during the Resolving process performed by the
     > framework implementation. At the same time, you need to export
    the package
     > in which message receiver classes reside.
     >> I got the code working with the Eclipse/Equinox version of OSGi by
     >> patching the following into the
     >> manifest for the axis2-kernel jar:
     >> Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: dependent
     >> ...and then declaring the relevant Tuscany jar files as being
    buddies of
     >> the axis2-kernel bundle in
     >> thier manifests.
     > Seems like your implementation works only with Equinox, since you
    have used
     > Equinox specific constructs.
     >> However, I know that this is really a sticking-plaster solution
    and will
     >> only currently work for the
     >> Equinox version of OSGi.  Do you have a nice neat solution that
    will work
     >> for all the OSGi
     >> implementations?
     > Yes.  We, in WSO2 have built WSO2 Carbon [1]  which runs on OSGi.
     > Carbon is the base platform for all the WSO2 java projects.
    Carbon uses
     > Axis2 and we have solved most of these problems.
     >> Yours,  Mike.
     > [1]
     > --
     > Sameera Jayasoma
     > Software Engineer
     > WSO2 Inc.
     > Oxygenating the Web Service Platform.
     > blog:


Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
Member; Apache Software Foundation;
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;


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