
clearly we need to fix this so that there are no surprises like u had.
So please log a bug so that we can debate on axis-dev@


On 1/19/06, Inigo Surguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Deepal,
> >But in Spring case as I know you can not give that guy a class loader ,
> >what it does is it gets the context class loader and try to load resources
> >from that. Since service has its own class loader you can not get service
> >resources from context class loader.
> Yes, that's right. Isn't the bug then that the contextClassLoader for
> a service is the WebappClassLoader rather than the DeploymentClassLoader?
> The context of the service should be the deployed .AAR, so code
> within the .AAR that loads classes and resources from the classpath will
> try to get it first from the .AAR.
> >In that scenario the best way is put your those resources in WEB-INF/lib in
> >that case CCL will have access to those.
> Yes - that would work - but it would amount to putting almost my entire
> service in the WEB-INF/lib directory, which defeats the point of having an
> .AAR in the first place.
> Another workaround, which is what I'm using at the moment and seems
> to work, is to explicitly set the context classloader to be the class
> classloader with:
> Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(ClasspathTest.class.getClassLoader());
> Cheers
> Inigo

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