I need an object which contains a member variable, which is list of another object.

Class A {
//list of object B
private java.util.List bList;

Class B {
private String str;        

How do I represent this in WSDL. I am using WSDL2Java commandline. Since I am using the tool I expect to get a java.util.List

This is how my current wsdl looks...

<xsd:element name="bList" type="B" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xsd:element name="B">
                        <xsd:element name="str" type="xsd:string"/>

But when I generate the code inside class A, I get

protected[] localBList ;

why an array, and why OMElement?

Can you tell me what I am missing.
Debasish Dutta Roy
Ph: 617-871-3033


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