
Done: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-1116

I assume that the appropriate .xsb files will be generated under /resources
when the bug is fixed (whatever they do...).


-----Original Message-----
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 1:40 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: axis versus axis2


Could you please log a bug for #2 with your wsdl/xsd's? (I just
checked in a change that may help!). That will help us fix both #2 and


On 9/6/06, Spies, Brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure if I qualify as a "die hard" fan of Axis, but I've chosen it
> over XFire because I like the pluggable architecture and some of the other
> features, such as more transport options (TCP).
> I am doing a top-down web service using XML Schema and WSDL as the starting
> point. The xsd is moderately complicated, with three separate files defined
> in the same namespace. The story goes somewhat like this:
> 1) Downloaded Axis 2.0 release distribution. Chose Xmlbeans as the
> databinding option because of its excellent support for even complex XML
> Schema (ADB couldn't handle my XSD). Ran WSDL2Java Ant task to generate
> Generated code did not compile (the *MessageReceiverInOut.java generated
> class had errors in the fromOM() and toOM()), so...
> 2) Downloaded Nightly build (at that time 2006-09-02), which got rid of the
> problem. But the WSDL2Java ant task was not generating all of the XmlBeans
> source files (only 1 of the xsd had classes generated for it). Also, the
> <codegen> 'namespaceToPackages' attribute was being ignored. OK, added a
> .xsdconfig file in the same directory as the xsd and ran separate Ant task
> generate the Xmlbeans classes. No problem.
> 3) Deployed the .aar file using the generated build.xml. Ran into an issue
> because the code generator is copying my schema files as xsd0.xsd,
> etc. to the /resources folder and my <import> tag in my WSDL file (under
> <types> section) was still referencing the file by name. OK, so I copied
> original WSDL's to the /resources folder and regenerated the .aar and
> deployed it.
> It runs now, but I still have to do the same for the JMS version of the web
> service.
> My impressions are that 1.0 is still a little rough around the edges.
> impossible to overcome, but if you expect everything "out-of-the-box", you
> may want to wait until 1.1.
> Brennan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Vial [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 9:33 PM
> To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
> Subject: axis versus axis2
> Hi,
> just starting to play around with web services (and AXIS).
> Installed AXIS and ran some of the demos without any problems but have
> discovered AXIS2 (yet to install).
> Should I jump to AXIS2 or are there "die hard" AXIS fans that would like to
> share their recomendations.
> thanks
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