
I have a project that ought to be simple straight forward, but I'm lost in the documentation. Any links to useful documentation is highly appreciated.

I need to write a simple client application, that uses the different levels of abstraction offered by Axis: RPC, Document, Wrapped and message. We know there are problems with Axis serialization when used with XMLDsig - but I need to figure out if there is a (any) way that Axis can be used for integration.

The examples in the guides seem to assume that you already know what you're doing - in which case they are of no need - or they are too simple to give any idea of how to solve a real problem. And the API documentation seems to be stub auto-generated, just one example:


public java.lang.String getSOAPActionURI()

    Get the soapAction URI.

        the curretn SOAP action URI"

First: Evidently this documentation contains absolutely no additional info than is included in the call it self. Secondly, what on earth is the "SOAP action URI"?

I know what's an URI, I've heard of SOAP action, as a parameter in the http header. But how is the SOAP action URI different from the URI set with the setTargetEndpointAddress?

How do I set the action in the http header? The useSoapAction is boolean I suppose whether or not to include it in the http header? But, there appear to be no way to set it.

Thanks, Erik

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