Ok, will do.

In the meantime - surely someone has successfully sent CDATA text within their message successfully using Axis2? If so, is it possible to send me a code sample as to how you did it?



On 02/10/06, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please create a JIRA issue. Sounds like a bug?


On 10/2/06, Dave Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Using Axis2... I created my stubs to consume the client with the Eclipse
> plugin.
> My client requires XML to be sent within the SOAPBody, so i have gone about
> creating the XML using a tree of OMElement and OMTexts.
> This:
> OMElement toFirstName = fac.createOMElement("ToFirstName", null);
> toFirstName.addChild(fac.createOMText(toFirstName, "Phil"));
> Creates:
> <ToFirstName>Phil</ToFirstName>
> This:
> OMElement fromEmailAddress = fac.createOMElement("FromEmailAddress", null);
> fromEmailAddress.addChild(fac.createOMText(fromEmailAddress,
> " [EMAIL PROTECTED] ", XMLStreamConstants.CDATA));
> Creates:
> <FromEmailAddress><!CDATA[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]]></FromEmailAddress>
> And this:
> OMElement emailAddress = fac.createOMElement("EmailAddress", null);
> OMTextImpl txt = new
> Creates:
> <EmailAddress>><!CDATA[ [EMAIL PROTECTED]]]></EmailAddress>
> I set the OMElement to my object, and get the above data.. this is all
> great.
> But then, when i go to call the remote method from the stub like:
> stub.updateEmail(email);
> The data in both CDATA sections is missing (I had to sniff the packets I was
> sending, as the object that i created and invoked with the stub was ok),
> like this:
> <FromEmailAddress><!CDATA[]]></FromEmailAddress>
> <EmailAddress>><!CDATA[]]></EmailAddress>
> This seems really strange.... ? Does anyone have any clues as to what is
> going on?
> Thanks,
> Dave.

Davanum Srinivas : http://www.wso2.net (Oxygen for Web Service Developers)

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