Hi everyone,
I've built an axis2 web service and when I access it from a java client
(using SOAPUI program) or from a PHP client it spends an average of 30 ms
per request on server, but when I access my server using a ruby client it
spends an average of 350 ms per request. I've found that packets are send by
HTTP protocol when I use my ruby client, but when I use java client or PHP
client packets are send by XML/HTTP protocol. 
I use wireshark to identify the packets protocols type and JAMon to measure
the time spend in server side for which HTTP request in this one.
I think the protocol type is the problem for the run time in the ruby client
be too long, but Im not quite sure about that and I haven't found anything
about that on google.

Is there anyone who have any idea about this problem? Is it a problem on my
server side or just a ruby problem to work with XML? Is there any sense to
say that the protocol type is the real problem?

this is my ruby code:

require 'soap/wsdlDriver'
require 'benchmark'

wsdl = "wsdl"
driver = SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new(wsdl).create_rpc_driver
driver.wiredump_dev = "bdp"
STDOUT driver.options[:send_empty_messages]=false

Benchmark.benchmark("BENCH \n") do |x|
  x.report("LIST:")   {  driver.list(:id => 'id' }

Thanks a lot..

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