Hi group,


I am encountering some curious problem. I am developing an application
with axis2 v1.4.1. I develop the client and the server side. I use
eclipse for programming. Last week I had to create a new eclipse
workspace, but with the same sources. I also created therefore a new
server in eclipse based on my server executables I used before. (Tomcat

Now when I create a ConfigurationContext on the client side, I get the

javax.xml.stream.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
com.bea.xml.stream.MXParserFactory not found


I found a solution in the internet that I should add the stax-1.2.0.jar.
It is gone with this jar, but I wonder how this can happen? My
colleagues are working without that jar and the same code and they have
no problems at all.


Any insights would be appreciated!!



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