
i would be grateful for the response you sent to me
actually, all the properties figure in a an other class which the name and the body are as follows:

public final class StatisticsConstants {
public static final String GLOBAL_REQUEST_COUNTER = "wso2wsf.GlobalRequestCounter"; public static final String GLOBAL_RESPONSE_COUNTER = "wso2wsf.GlobalResponseCounter"; public static final String REQUEST_RECEIVED_TIME = "wso2wsf.request.received.time"; public static final String RESPONSE_SENT_TIME = "wso2wsf.response.sent.time";

   private StatisticsConstants() {
these properties are used in the main class of the handler which the aim is to compute the response time:

import org.wsf.common.statistics.StatisticsConstants;

public class ResponseTimeHandler extends AbstractHandler {
public InvocationResponse invoke(MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault { System.out.println(getClass().getName() + " invokeMethode"); // this statement is just used to display the class's name
       OperationContext opctx = msgContext.getOperationContext();
if (opctx != null) {
           System.out.println("opctx != null");
MessageContext inMsgCtx = opctx.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE); if (inMsgCtx != null) { System.out.println("inMsgCtx != null"); Object receivedTime = inMsgCtx.getProperty(StatisticsConstants.REQUEST_RECEIVED_TIME); if (receivedTime != null) { long responseTime = System.currentTimeMillis() -Long.parseLong(receivedTime.toString()); // Handle global reponse time Parameter globalReqCounterParam = inMsgCtx.getParameter(StatisticsConstants.GLOBAL_REQUEST_COUNTER);
                   int globalReqCount = 0;
                   if (globalReqCounterParam != null) {
globalReqCount = ((Counter) globalReqCounterParam.getValue()).getCount();
StatisticsModule.responseTimeProcessor.addResponseTime(responseTime, globalReqCount, msgContext); System.out.println("avg response time = " + StatisticsModule.responseTimeProcessor.getAvgResponseTime());
                   // Handle service response time
                   AxisService axisService = msgContext.getAxisService();
                   if (axisService != null) {
                       Parameter parameter =
                       Parameter srcParam =
                       int srcCount = 0;
                       if (srcParam != null) {
srcCount = ((Counter) srcParam.getValue()).getCount();
                       if (parameter != null) {
                           ((ResponseTimeProcessor) parameter.getValue()).
addResponseTime(responseTime, srcCount, msgContext);
                       } else {
ResponseTimeProcessor proc = new ResponseTimeProcessor(); proc.addResponseTime(responseTime, srcCount, msgContext);
                           parameter = new Parameter();

                   // Handle operation response time
AxisOperation axisOperation = msgContext.getAxisOperation();
                   if (axisOperation != null) {
                       Parameter parameter =
                       Parameter opReqCounterParam =
                       int opReqCount = 0;
                       if (opReqCounterParam != null) {
opReqCount = ((Counter) opReqCounterParam.getValue()).getCount();
                       if (parameter != null) {
                           ((ResponseTimeProcessor) parameter.getValue()).
addResponseTime(responseTime, opReqCount, msgContext);
                       } else {
ResponseTimeProcessor proc = new ResponseTimeProcessor(); proc.addResponseTime(responseTime, opReqCount, msgContext);
                           parameter = new Parameter();
                   System.out.println("receivedTime = null");
           }else{ System.out.println("inMsgCtx = null");}
           System.out.println("opctx = null");
       return InvocationResponse.CONTINUE;
} /*******************************************/ Concerning the class which take in charge tha addition of the response time is ResponseTimeProcessor


public class ResponseTimeProcessor {
   private long maxResponseTime = 0;
   private long minResponseTime = -1;
   private double avgResponseTime = 0;
   private double totalresponseTime;

public synchronized void addResponseTime(long responseTime,long requestCount,MessageContext msgctx) {
       if (maxResponseTime < responseTime) {
           maxResponseTime = responseTime;

       if (minResponseTime > responseTime) {
           minResponseTime = responseTime;

       if (minResponseTime == -1) {
           minResponseTime = responseTime;

       totalresponseTime = totalresponseTime + responseTime;
       avgResponseTime = totalresponseTime / requestCount;

Remark: this is a simple try of a code which already exist at :

Of course, i build the necessary files (as module.xml) and i generate their byte code and finally i encapsulated them in a .mar archive to test the module

when i engage it, i don't face any problem and the whole of the module work properly, but the main object (received time) which all of the class depend on are returned, always, as a null

hoping you can identify what i'm missing, i'll be so thankful

Best regards

Sagara Gunathunga a écrit :
Hi ,
in where you set the value for your property  ...? can you provide
some codes to figure out your problem ..?

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:40 PM, maalej <amaa...@laas.fr> wrote:

When I try to get a property from MessageContext it always returns null.
the instruction is below:

MessageContext inMsgCtx = opctx.getMessageContext("In");
         if (inMsgCtx != null) {
Object receivedTime =
if (receivedTime != null) {

       System.out.println("receivedTime != null");
       long responseTime = System.currentTimeMillis() -
else System.out.println("receivedTime = null");

_Remark :_
is a static final String defined in an other class "StatisticsConstants"
value : REQUEST_RECEIVED_TIME = "wso2wsf.request.received.time";

please can some one help me

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