You can try MTOM attachment strategy and attach your xml in the server side
before it returns to the do that you need to enable the
server side create a datahandler form file-datasource and return it...

DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(String path));


On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Shasta Willson <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Marc Lefebvre<>
> wrote:
> > Not quite.   I want to insert it in the response on the server side
> BEFORE its sent to the Client.    Is there any examples out there that can
> show how to do this?
> I don't have an example, but I'm also not sure how what I suggested
> can't do what you describe here?  At some point you're going to have a
> SOAP/XML message that's about to be sent to the client, right?  So at
> that point in your service I would  think you can create an XML
> element that represents your add-in then attach it into the SOAP/XML
> at the appropriate node.  It sounds like you've tried this with the
> String, but it becomes CDATA in the SOAP/XML message.  Basically I'm
> suggesting that you don't try to add in a String that happens to look
> like XML, but the actual XML element it represents.
> - Shasta

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