robert lazarski wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Andreas Veithen
> <> wrote:
>>> I suggest you don't put all these jar's in the aar, put them in
>>> WEB-INF/lib . hibernate uses the TCCL and that won't work directly in
>>> an aar without some extra effort.
>> It should be enough to add the following parameter to the service:
>> <parameter name="ServiceTCCL" locked="false">composite</parameter>

So where to put Hibernate persistance.xml in axis2 dir structure per one 

Regards, Tomaz

>> Andreas
> Right. With only one end user aar and without the OP showing a need to
> have a hibernate session isolated to axis2, however, its probably
> overkill. Its possible to do spring and/or hibernate per aar, I just
> think it rarely makes sense. Just my 2 brazilian centavos :-) .
> - R

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