Yes of course - I am sorry, I did - I mistyped the URL. The log files do not
show any failures or anything, and I have set everything to log a DEBUG
level. :/

-----Original Message-----
From: James Black [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: Can't generate WSDL

Byrne Reese wrote:

> I have been using Axis RC1 trying to use WSDL4J to generate WSDL for me
> using the http://localhost/axis/Service?WSDL method. But whenever I hit
> the URL, I get a "Can't generate WSDL" message in HTML. Am I missing
> something simple and essential, or are other experiencing this problem
> as well?

  Try http://localhost/axis/services/Service?WSDL

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