JDK 1.4.1 - Axis RC1 - Apache (latest version)/Tomcat 4.1 on Windows NT4 workstation - using sample webapp.
When I run AdminClient the server places the resulting server-config.wsdd in  C:\WINNT\Profiles\XXX\Start Menu\Programs\Apache Tomcat 4.1 where XXX is my user name instead of in the WebApps WEB-INF file. I get the following report on the Tomcat console :
- Problem with servlet engine config file: C:\wcb\InetPub\webapps\axis\/WEB-INF/ server-config.wsdd
The above was cut and pasted from the Tomcat console  - I guess the odd \/ (this is not a v but a bad mix of directory separators) before WEB-INF is messing things up. It looks like a Windows - Unix or URL mess up.
This looks like an axis bug. If so where in the code can I patch it so I can carry on my work. If this isn't an axis bug then what do am I doing wrong.
I did not have this problem with the last beta version of Axis.
Shimon Crown

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