The best way in theory is to simply pass DOMs in whichever languages you are using. The SOAP engine then uses literalXML encoding to make it happen - but this functionality is broken in Axis at the moment it appears, and seems to have been for some time.

This is really quite a serious issue if it really is a bug, and I intend to chase the developers about it either this week or next. If/when I find a solution/write a patch I'll let you know. For now you can pass strings back and forth, or use the message form.

thanks -mike

Barry Lulas wrote:

I realize this is an Axis user group, but I wanted to pick your brains on a related issue.
I have a generic web service that I deploy via Axis. The web service takes in an XML file as a request and returns an XML file as a response. My question is what is the best way to pass XML data to/from a web service? Should I simply use strings?

Any advise would be appreciated...

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